Pjetër Budi College marks an important milestone in the utilization of advanced technology in its sector by holding a special meeting to discuss the possibility of using ChatGPT by the college staff, as well as its potential for the students and academic staff in the future.
In the initial meeting, the IT Officer, Erblin Pelaj, presented ChatGPT and explained the process of creating user accounts. The presentation aimed to describe the advantages of this platform and its current limitations, while providing guidelines for effective utilization of artificial intelligence in daily work.
In the second meeting, following two weeks of staff’s usage of the platform, a decision was made to consider ChatGPT as an optional platform for the staff. Additionally, it was decided that starting from the next year, training sessions will be offered to interested academic staff and students, with the goal of maximizing the potential use of the benefits of artificial intelligence.
This recent development at “Pjetër Budi” College reflects their commitment to embracing advanced technology in educational institutions and taking a step towards a more modern and efficient environment for all college members.
*The above news is entirely generated by the ChatGPT platform, based on the initial instructions provided by the staff.