Kolegji Pjetër Budi

The staff of “Pjetër Budi” College participated in two events this week: the training on “ChatGPT and its implications” and the symposium “Artificial Intelligence Kosovo”.

The training on “ChatGPT and its implications” was organized by the German Economic Chamber, focusing on the use of ChatGPT as a digital assistant. Data protection and intellectual property played an important part of the discussion as well. Some conclusions drawn from the training were that the future of businesses and institutions depends on maximizing the use of new technologies. Companies and institutions need to invest more in staff training for cybersecurity and the use of technological platforms. Additionally, while using artificial intelligence, such as in the case of ChatGPT, we should be careful with sensitive personal information.

The “Artificial Intelligence Kosovo” symposium, organized by the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina,” Erasmus+ Program, and NRSI, brought together local professionals and from the diaspora to discuss experiences and possibilities of using artificial intelligence in various fields. Discussions at the symposium focused on education, ICT industry, finance, and many other areas.

The participation of “Pjetër Budi” College in these activities demonstrates their commitment to staying abreast of the latest technological trends in the field of informatics.

An image from the training “ChatGPT and its implications”
An image from the symposium “Artificial Intelligence Kosovo
An image from the symposium “Artificial Intelligence Kosovo